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Our pace of life is increasingly fast, aided by technology and the growing urban concentrations. This promotes reactive and automated, thoughtless behaviors. Processing information to understand what it means requires slowing down and creating spaces to observe, notice, and connect with our feelings. These non-thinking practices integrate our spiritual dimension and help us develop mindfulness, an ancestral goal to expand consciousness. 


Teaching Goal: Students experience several different contemplative practices, to get the opportunity to find what works best for them.



Meta Goal: Develop an appreciation of the power of contemplative practices and develop new habits of practice that increase mindfulness

Source: Rimanoczy, I. (2020) The Sustainability Mindset Principles: A guide to developing a mindset for a better world. Routledge 




Click on a button below to access an assortment of different artifacts on the topic of Mindfulness.


What is Mindfulness?

This website is an introductory guide to understanding what mindfulness is. TO quickly summarize, this website says Mindfulness means to be fully present and aware of where we are and what we’re doing and not being overwhelmed by what is around us. 

Edu Videos
Educational videos

TED Talk: Learning to be More Present

Andy Puddicombe talks about his experience being a monk and what he has learned. He believes that we spend so much time focused thoughts that cause us to become anxious and overwhelmed. He suggests taking 10 minutes out of the day to experience a more significant focus, calm, and clarity. 

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