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Speed and efficiency create automated actions, which may create unwanted consequences. Reflective practices help to pause, to ponder the situation before jumping into action. Also learning is enhanced when individuals regularly pause and reflect on what happened, how this matched the expectation, and how behaviors may have impacted the results.


Teaching Goal: Students practice slowing down, switching their automated responses for thoughtful pauses to get in touch with more profound insights.


Meta Goal: Noticing the personal speed, and developing comfort in pausing, exploring more patiently the issues for greater understanding of complexity. 

Source: Rimanoczy, I. (2020) The Sustainability Mindset Principles: A guide to developing a mindset for a better world. Routledge 



Click on a button below to access an assortment of different artifacts on the topic of Reflection.

edu videos
Educational videos

Talk on Learning Through Reflection

In this 9 minute 46-second video, Professor Hahn-Dupont reflects on the way she was able to create a way to teach her students how they can teach themselves by improving their own writing through self-reflection and assessment.

Reflection in Learning

This video was created by the University of Northampton and describes how reflection is used in learning. Reflection in learning is an action, a way of considering solutions to problems.

Reflective Practice in Teaching

Dr. Phillip Dawson describes reflective practice from a teacher’s perspective.

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