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Oneness with Nature

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The materialistic, consumption-oriented society has placed Nature outside the individual, as a resource to be used. The ‘take-make-waste’ model resulted in a large part of the problems we are facing at a planetary level. Understanding that we are one with Nature, that we are a species within species, and that all Nature is in us, is a powerful spiritual experience that cannot be quantified or measured. Yet the experience of oneness can shape behaviors and decisions that lead to more satisfying lives and to a more harmonic relationship with each other and all beings.


Teaching Goal: Students have an experience of oneness with nature



Meta Goal: Understanding that we are one with Nature, that we are a species within species, and that all Nature is in us. 

Source: Rimanoczy, I. (2020) The Sustainability Mindset Principles: A guide to developing a mindset for a better world. Routledge 



Click on a button below to access an assortment of different artifacts on the topic of Oneness with Nature.


Research on the Benefits of Nature on Our Well-Being and Health

This article discusses scientific studies explaining that nature benefits humans from positive emotions. 

Edu Videos

Educational Videos

Short Film: Blind Man Being One with Nature by Interacting with Horses

This 28 minute long film has a tremendous and engaging message about people and nature. This film is about Suleman, an old blind man, who demonstrates how he became one with nature by interacting with a horse. Suleman says horses have qualities of intelligence, power, and freedom by physically touching the horse; he believes he can engage with these qualities and ultimately become one with nature. 

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